Hollowood Chemists

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Community Pharmacist Consultation

Community Pharmacist Consultation

Minor Ailment & Emergency Medicines

This page provides information about this service and where its located.

Information about this service

This service enables you to speak to or meet with a pharmacist if you run out of your regularly prescribed medicines/appliances or require help and advice with a minor illness, rather than having to visit a GP or A&E. To do so, you must call NHS 111. 

Benefits this service

  • This service diverts patients away from urgent core systems to community pharmacies and therefore releases pressure on such systems to enable them to focus on treating higher severity conditions
  • Improves the conveniences for patients who have run out of their medicines or need advice  on their minor illness due to accessibility of community pharmacies and a pharmacists advice
  • Improves the awareness of pharmacies as the first port of call for minor conditions and get urgent medication access and support

What Our team do

When you are referred to the pharmacy of your choice for an emergency medicine request, the pharmacist will assess the suitability and legality of whether they can supply the relevant medicine(s) and/or appliance(s).

When you are referred to the pharmacy of your choice for a referral for a minor condition, the pharmacist will provide you with self-management advice and support for treating your condition and sell you an over-the counter medicine if required. Alternatively, they will refer you to your GP, out of hours service or signpost you to another service.


Where can this service be located?

This service can be accessed at all of our pharmacies. Click the links below to navigate to your chosen pharmacy;