Hollowood Chemists

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Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Emergency Hormonal Contraception

About this Service

This page provides information about this service and where its located.

Information about this service

This service enables your pharmacy to supply you with emergency contraceptive medicines to reduce the risk of pregnancy after sexual activity.

Our teams have been trained to provide a confidential, patient-centred, non-judgemental and patient-friendly setting. The pharmacist will support you and advise you throughout the consultation on matters such as how the contraceptives work, the likelihood of success, the diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections when appropriate, advice on using regular contraceptive methods and safer sex.

They will then ask you to take any required medicines there and then. If we cannot help to provide you with the contraceptives you require, we will refer you to another local service as soon as practicable.

What are the benefits of this Service ?

The service improves peoples’ knowledge of the availability and accessibility of emergency contraception from community pharmacies. This in turn improves access, to those requiring emergency contraception and sexual health advice. By improving accessibility to contraceptives, patients are empowered to prevent unplanned pregnancies and can get advice on how to use regular contraception. The service helps to educate the public on STIs and their risk and management and refer those who require medical attention.

What our team do

The pharmacy team will provide a confidential and open environment to discuss what you need based on your circumstances. First, the pharmacist will take you into one of our private and confidential consultation rooms. They will then assess the need and suitability for you to receive emergency hormonal contraception in conjunction with providing you with information, advice and a referral if necessary. After a shared discussion, the pharmacist will offer for you to take the emergency contraception (if required) in the consultation room. This is because, the effectiveness of the contraceptive reduces as time passes after the sexual event.

Pricing and Eligibility

Please contact your pharmacy for their specific eligibility criteria.

Which Branches off this service?

Click on the links below to navigate to your chosen Pharmacy;